Alcohol Home Detox
Live in service

Live in service

Two option available – “Supervised” or “live in”

We offer two kinds of alcohol home detox. There is a supervised alcohol home detox, or a live in alcohol home detox. The supervised alcohol home detox is where a member of your family, or friend administer your medication. But don’t panic, our detox nurses will call you during ALL medication times. This is done 4 times a day to make the detox as comfortable as possible for the patient. Our live in service is for patients who do not have anyone else living with them. In this case we will have a nurse come and stay with the patient in their home for the entire duration of the alcohol home detox.

Call us

Why not call our team today for more help and information. We always look forward to your calls, and we can help you. After all, we help 100’s of people every year who are struggling with an addiction. Contact us. Tel: 0845 3881 543 or mobiles call 07811 606 606 (open 24 hours).

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